Training Course on Guidelines on Registration for Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones (“DPMS”) and AML/CFT
(Applicable to Category B Registrants)
The one-hour course consists of seven sections. It is suitable for management, compliance officer, Money Laundering Reporting Officers, Frontline Staff, Back-office Staff and New Hires. The course will be conducted in English by Billy Joey.
1. Background of DPMS
2. Introduction to the Registration System
3. Obligations for Category B Registrants
4. Relevant Laws and Statutory Obligation
5. Anti-Money Laundering Standard and Regime
6. Key Factors of Anti-Money Laundering
7. Duties for Different Roles
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Training Course on Guidelines on Registration for Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones (“DPMS”) and AML/CFT (Applicable to Category B Registrants) (1hr)
Training Course on Guidelines on Registration for Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones (“DPMS”) and AML/CFT (Applicable to Category B Registrants) --- Quiz